Matrix is primarily run by the board of the organisation. In practice, however, in addition to the actual board members, a number of hard-working officers run the operation. Each officer and board member has a specific area of responsibility within the organisation.
The board is elected each year at the organization's autumn meeting and the officers are elected at the inaugural meeting of the new board in December, although it is possible to become an officer in the middle of the year. All the office bearers are just ordinary matrix people.
Boards by year
Board members and representatives 2006
Board members
Jouni Haapakoski KV-vastaava Puheenjohtaja
Tiina Romu Varapuheenjohtaja
Hanna Uotila Taloudenhoitaja
Piia Nissinen Sihteeri
Jaakko Toivonen Tiedottaja Kokoustarjoiluapulainen
Deni Seitz Opintovastaava
Susanna Oksanen Liikuntavastaava
Mikko Salminen Tuutorivastaava
Helle Vassel Fuksivastaava
Matti Palomäki Kokoustarjoiluvastaava Kertsivastaava