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Principles of safer space

Matrix’s principles of safer space is created to improve safety and parity in Matrix and to make sure that everyone feels welcome. You can fins the official document that the board of Matrix has approved here (scroll down for English).

In the events located in Matlu klusteri, Matrix follows the Safer space guideline in Matlu klusteri. 

In the events located in HYYs spaces, Matrix follows the Safer space guideline by HYY. 

In other events organized by Matrix, we follow the Matrix’s Safer space guideline below.

Take others into consideration
Treat others as you wish they would treat you. Avoid leaving anyone out or alone. Be kind, polite and open. Try to listen and talk with others frankly, and take others into consideration. 

Treat others respectfully. Respect the boundaries, integrity and diversity of others. Don’t make assumptions about the gender, sexual orientation, philosophy, identity, or any other aspects of the people around you. Respect different backgrounds, opinions and knowledge of others and give them space. Don’t discriminate, molest, bully or behave disrespectfully in any other way. Remember: no means no.

Take care
Take care of the space and things around you. Take care of yourself and others. Take care to see that a person in need of help gets help. If you can’t help, contact the organizers. In case of emergency, call the general emergency number 112.

Follow the guidelines
Follow the general rules and behave reasonably. Don’t hesitate to intervene into inappropriate behaviour and inform the organizers or the harassment contact persons. If you need any help or support, don’t hesitate to ask for it.

Contact in case of harrasment
Matrix ry's harrasment contact persons
Matrix ry's harrasment contact form
HYY's harrasment contact persons