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Dune 2 movie excursion with Accenture

Date: Monday 26.02.

Time: 18:00

Location: Kino Engel

Price: 0 €

Contact Person: Emilia Nordenswan

Our partner organization Accenture organizes a movie excursion for Matrix on 26.2 at 18:00 to watch the second part of Dune at Kino Engel. Before the movie, there will be a short introduction about Accenture, and after the movie, we will move together to the nearby Bryggeli Brewhouse. There you can talk with Accenture employees and network with students from other organizations.

There's a limited number of spots available, and registration begins on Monday 19.2 at 12:00. The event is free, and all Matrix events adhere to the principles of Matrix's Safer Space: bit.ly/matrix-safe-space 
See you at the excursion!

WHAT: Movie excursion Accenture
WHERE: Kino Engel
WHEN: On Monday 26.2.
WHY: Because movies are the best <3

Signup period: 19.02.2024 12:00 - 25.02.2024 18:00